Decision Support System Implementation in Companie

Decision Support System implementation of the concept in the world of work, this time taken by the authors is the application of Business Intelligence in data collection and presentation of data in a form of Dashboard. Industry companies that serve as an example is the airline or the airline industry.

Technology application used is a web-based application system, and can be accessed at a specific URL on the PC / laptop / tablet users with the minimum capacity, whenever and wherever the user is located.

Methodologies, processes and tools Business Intelligence or BI reporting are the key components that provide data analysis, reporting and monitoring of the rich to the users of the system.

Broadly speaking, the process that occurs less is as depicted in the diagram below, in which;

  • System will collect all the data both master data and transaction data from any application that is used all the departments within the company, for later analysis What-if hanging from the report what is desired by the management.
  • Results of the analysis will determine what decisions should be taken by management.
  • Seen below, the various departments to access, among others Personnel (Human Resources / HR), Finance (Accounting), Production / Operations, Marketing / Marketing, Distribution / Delivery, as well as other divisions, which in turn is under the management of the company.

Reporting that want to be seen by the level manager in the management of the company will be featured in an interactive dashboard applications and can be customized as desired user / user application. Examples of the dashboard is as below.

Previously, keep in mind that the application dashboard also has a variety of categories per division, with each division / department within a company typically uses different data types, and access data in different ways. Reports and results of analysis required automatic also differ, as well as the necessary reporting forms for each division, as illustrated in the diagram below.

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1 Response to "Decision Support System Implementation in Companie"

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